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Active projects

Modèle de Dossier d’Architecture

Modèle de Dossier d’Architecture (DA) applicable à la plupart des projets d’informatique de gestion, indépendamment de l’architecture générale retenue (monolithe, SOA, micro-service, n-tiers, …​).

Ce modèle a déjà été utilisé sur plusieurs projets importants y compris au sein de grandes organisations. Il s’enrichit régulierement.

Project architecture document template

This architecture template is applicable to most management IT projects, regardless of the general architecture chosen (monolithic, SOA, micro-service, n-tier, …​).

It has already been used on several important projects including large organizations. It is maintained on a regular basis.

Jajuk Advanced Jukebox

Jajuk is a Java music organizer for all platforms. The main goal of this project is to provide a fully-featured application to advanced users with large or scattered music collections.


Réalisation d'expertises de sinistres dans le domaine du transport. Offline first, React.js, Spring Boot, MongoDB.


QDWizard is a dead simple API for creating Swing wizards with a learning curve of less than 15 minutes

Archives (no more supported)

m2ling Architecture meta-design tool

Web modeling tool allowing to build custom architecture-oriented meta-models and models

AMI protocol open-source project

Peer To Peer framework